eCommerce Salary Guide: South West

What is the average permanent salary for eCommerce roles in the South West?

We’ve outlined the average salaries typically received for eCommerce roles in the South West region.




How do we benchmark salaries?

The following is based on information collated through working in this industry day in, day out, client briefs taken and placements made by ADLIB.  Although we do our best to remain close to market trends, there are always a number of factors to consider when assigning a salary to a role, such as the skill demand, level of responsibility, and other benefits.

What to consider when assigning a rate to a role

With the recent surge in “working from home” being the norm, local averages need to be considered in the context of uk-wide averages to remain competitive. It’s also worth noting that the “number of years” of experience is not an ideal measure of technical proficiency. Furthermore, pay scales may fluctuate between start-ups, scale-ups, agencies, software houses, larger organisations and corporates.

Comprehensive Salary  Guide for eCommerce roles in the South West

This guide provides salary benchmarks for various sector roles and their respective job titles, including:

  • eCommerce Executive
  • eCommerce Manager
  • eCommerce Trader/Merchandiser
  • Manager
  • eCommerce Analyst
  • Social Media
  • Digital Content



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eCommerce Agency Delivery & Client Services

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Aaron Drury