Tech Ethics Bristol – Feat. Lisa Talia Moretti

As part of the ‘Tech Ethics Bristol’ events series, we caught up with Lisa Talia Moretti, Digital Sociologist @ AND Digital ahead of this Thursdays event to talk about Lisa’s journey so far and a sneak peak at her talk ‘Consent is a mess but is a more ethical data future on the horizon?’

Sign up for Dark Patterns: All you need to know this Thursday the 22nd of June at 6PM here:

Sam @ ADLIB: Firstly, could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about what you do?

Heya, I’m Lisa Talia Moretti. I’m a Digital Sociologist and I work at a company called AND Digital where I’m working with public sector clients. My work sees me working at the intersection of technology, information, social theory and social life. In practice, that means I work with digital and design teams that build and manage public services that help the government deliver their policy and create public value. I wear a couple of other hats too. I’m the Co-Chair of the BIMA AI Council and an Associate Lecturer at Goldsmiths and Cardiff University.

Sam @ ADLIB: What’s the importance of ethics in your work?

Ethics is about how we define what ‘good’ looks like. As a result, in my work the teams I work in are always thinking about what ‘good’ looks like in the different services we deliver. How can we ensure we maximise positive impact and minimise harm? How can we ensure our services are accessible to all who need them? Working in government means having to ask these questions and work through the sometimes difficult process of answering them. As a result, I feel that ethics is central to the work I do.

Sam @ ADLIB: What can people expect from your talk?

I hope to deliver a talk about consent and data that is engaging and accessible. This topic is so important but can at first seem really dry and well, boring! I’m hoping to change that. I’m going to be talking about a brand new innovation in the data governance space called data pods and why this tech holds so much potential. I’ll outline why consent in the world of data is so important, the dark patterns that exist that make this space so messy and what I think we need to do to start unraveling some of the complexity. At the end of the talk, I hope people walk away with a better understanding of how they can protect their personal data and give them some interesting new thoughts to consider in the weeks to come.

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Sam Firth