Balancing Profit and Purpose – feat. Hormona

We got to chat with Jasmine Tagesson, COO and Co-Founder at Hormona as part of our series ‘Balancing Profit and Purpose’. Hormona is a hormone tracking solution, founded with the aim of empowering women everywhere to live in balance with their hormones, through knowledge, support and community.

The purpose of our series “Balancing Profit and Purpose” is to feature fellow businesses on that mission, to hopefully inspire many more to join the movement. We showcase those companies that intend to use business as a force for good.

Chris @ADLIB: For some background information, who are you as a business and what makes your business offering unique?

Jasmine: We’re Hormona, a hormone tracking solution, founded with the aim of empowering women everywhere to live in balance with their hormones, through knowledge, support and community.

More than 80% of women live with a hormone imbalance, and that can have a huge impact on their bodies, lives, and careers. But diagnosis and treatment can take years to achieve. That’s something my friend and Hormona Co-founder Karolina discovered when she lost her hormone health due to a Thyroid issue. She struggled to be heard by her physicians, and it’s what inspired the formation of Hormona, a place where women can track, monitor and talk about their hormones.

The innovation we’re most proud of at Hormona is our unique at-home hormone test, which produces quantitative results within 15 minutes. Our tests remove the need for a lab, or expensive or awkward physician’s consultations and, when combined with the expert-led digital support we offer through the Hormona app, produce what we believe is the first end-to-end, personalized solution to optimal hormone health.

We don’t just offer hormone support, however. We believe in a whole-body approach to hormone health, so our app also offers symptom reduction programs, exclusive learning modules, breathwork and meditation sessions, recipes tailored to your cycle and, of course, our incredible Hormona community. Perhaps most importantly, our tracking tool and cycle predictions help women get to know their hormones, as well as building to a detailed hormone health history. But it can also help us close the gender data gap, something that impacts women all over the world.

Chris @ADLIB: What got you interested in joining the movement to balance Profit and Purpose and what has been your journey so far?

Jasmine: I think our interest really was borne out of Karolina’s struggle, alongside the hundreds of stories we’d heard mirroring her experience. Hormones play a vital role in almost every system in your body, regardless of gender. From metabolism and cardiac health, to body temperature and mood, hormones are in control.

But medicine as a whole has been incredibly slow to realize the importance of hormone balance, and just how debilitating an imbalance can be. Women make up the majority of patients with hormone issues, and historically they’ve been sidelined, ignored, or often told that their symptoms are in their head. So, our interest in the movement has really been two-fold. Increasing knowledge and encouraging debate is relatively low-cost, but the benefits to society – and medicine – are priceless. Our purpose is to empower women, and our blog, daily advice and insights, and tips on wellbeing do all of that, every day. And the social impact of women who are healthier, happier and better informed is undeniable.

Of course, any business has to be in profit to survive, but we want to prove that being a profitable company doesn’t mean compromising user experience, employee satisfaction, or our mission. Balancing purpose with profit keeps us striving to be better, to keep improving the lives of our users and our employees, and making a huge impact on how medicine treats half of the world’s population.

Chris @ADLIB: In your case, what does it mean for your workers, customers, community and environmental considerations?

Jasmine: We hope that it means we have a trusted relationship with our colleagues, users, partners and our amazing community. We want them be secure in the knowledge that their data is safe, that we’re not profiting from the exploitation of sensitive information, that the articles we publish are accurate and well-researched, and most importantly, that their health and wellbeing is something we take incredibly seriously.

Women have spent centuries not being listened to about their health. Providing them a space to talk, feel safe, and learn about their own bodies can be life-changing. And on a large enough scale, it’s world-changing. Giving women back their health means they’re more involved in work, and social and political issues, driving change and progression everywhere. That’s a world we want to live in.

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Chris Nasrawi